Friday, 12 August 2011


I'm feeling it now, the breaths I take are so precise, every motion so calculated, crazy to think many of the lessons taught to us as kids were fabricated, messages dispersed via media are designed to turn us against our brothers and sisters and be blindly domesticated, now I'm questioning whats it all worth, like is the route to happiness and peace through pain and hurt?
Family is only one stem of the tree in this paradigm called life, I truly feel that the notion of holding people close to you primarily based on birth right is contrary from right, like we should determine who is worth being near based on the tenure of their sincerity and care, and if these words offend those who internally hear, let this be the soul food for my people hungry for courage yet weary of fear.
People ask whats new but they ain't trying to find out, that's how crazy this life is now, you can know a motherfucker and still not be able to intrinsically determine them from another, now I wonder whether that is a problem, since innately we are all the same; no one better than the other, some say the armagedon, revelations prophecy, anti Christ time of days be now, so like William. S said where art thou?

I truly feel like I think differently than several or most, see this in my method of speaking, living and in my approach, dig this through my written quotes, my amaranthine way of staying true, cool, and free from senseless ridicule, confident veering from cocky, belief in my essence and dope moxie.

So if I come across in an aesopian manner; please know if it is between prudence and arrogance, I reject the latter, grooving with the freedom of A Tribe Called Quest, the passion of Malcolm X, and the feeling of Muhammad Ali, like I'm the best, got love for all the rest, see dreams as the manual and peep life as the test.

It is the essence of humans to create separation and distinction amongst the species, hence the need for reference to the species of humans as a whole constantly being referred to as 'man', the irony in the fact that 'man' merely supplements the elements already within woman to enhance, extenuate and create life. Unity is  always stronger than scrutiny, humility over immunity, sincerity precipitates longevity, honesty intertwined with prosperity. Check this, we ain't just humans, we are human beings, so spend less time doing and more time being, not so much time watching and more energy directed at seeing, more love to the souls and less dedication to the demons, focus more on our global community and stop pledging to nations and regions.

Look to the sun, breaths aligned with the moon, my celestial balance enables me to be fly, I'm feeling it now, the breaths I take are so precise. 

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